H2S Course (Train the Trainer)

The course aim to develop trainers to deliver the one day NSC H2S awareness course During the instructor course , Candidates instructors will develop the knowledge and skills to:

  1. Understand the physical and chemical properties of H2S
  2. Implement Safe work Procedures for H2S
  3. Detect and monitor H2S Exposure
  4. Recommend Safe work Practices
  5. Employee proper training techniques VII. Detection and Monitoring

I. What is H2S?

A. Toxicity
B. Common Names
C. How is H2S formed?

II. Common Industrial Sites

A. Petro-Chemical
B. Petroleum Exploration and Production
C. Manufacturing
D. Agricultural

III. Properties and Characteristics of H2S

A. Physical Properties
B. Chemical Properties

IV. Concentrations/Toxic Levels

C. Exposure Levels
D. Toxic Gas Comparisons
V. Video: «Hydrogen Sulfide – A Matter of Life or Death»

VI. H2S Effects on Individuals

A. Entry Routes
B. Susceptibility and Hyper susceptibility

VII. Detection and Monitoring

A. Personal, Portable and Fixed Monitors and Detectors
B. Chemical vs. Electronic Instrumentation

VIII. Contingency and Emergency Response Plans

A. Characteristics of H2S and SO2
B. Emergency Call List
C. Inventory of public in area of exposure
D. Map or plot of area of exposure
E. Emergency Equipment List
F. Detail of the system
G. Description of the emergency system
H. Training summary
I. Program for maintaining the current applicability of the plan
J. Leak prevention and surveillance
K. Remedial action

IX. Personal Protective Equipment

A. Air Purifying Respirators vs. vs. Air Supplied Respirators
B. Types of Air Supplied Respirators
1. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
2. Airline Respirator with Egress Bottle
3. Escape Pack

C. Special Problems

1. Corrective Glasses/Contact Lenses
2. Facial Hair
3. Facial Characteristics

D. Medical Considerations

1. Pulmonary Function Testing
2. Tympanic Membrane1
3. Claustrophobia
E. Maintenance and Inspection
F. Donning and Doffing Exercise

X. Rescue, First Aid Techniques and Post Exposure Evaluation

A. Emergency Rescue
B. Rescue Breathing and CPR
C. Medical Follow-Up
Assessment & Certification
Assessment comprises a multiple choice exam followed by practical assement. Candidates will be awarded H2S Course (Train the Trainer) Certificate from National Safety Council which carries 2.6 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) towards advance certificate.

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