Supervisors’ Safety Development Program

The new National Safety Council Supervisors’ Safety Development Program (SSDP) trains supervisors and managers to incorporate best safety practices into their daily management activities. Supervisors will acquire the knowledge, leadership skills and methods to apply safety as part of their responsibilities and become your most effective safety leaders and advocates

Target Audience:

New supervisors/managers unfamiliar with safety responsibilities
Experienced supervisors/managers who want “refresher” safety training or need to develop specialized skills

Course Content

SSDP expands and upgrades previous training programs for supervisors and managers with content incorporating the latest research addressing the practical needs of today’s organizations. SSDP includes 16 interrelated but

independent instructional modules as follow:

  • Safety Management
  • Communication
  • Safety and Health Training
  • Employee Involvement — NEW
  • Safety and Health Inspections
  • Incident Investigation
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Ergonomics
  • Hazard Communication
  • Regulatory Issues — NEW
  • Machine Safeguarding
  • Hand Tools and Portable Power Tools
  • Materials Handling and Storage
  • Electrical Safety
  • Fire Safety

Assessment & Certification

Assessment comprises a multiple choice exam followed by practical assement. Candidates will be awarded Supervisor Safety Development Program Certificate from National Safety Council which carries 2.6 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) towards advance certificate.

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2019 – 2020

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