Principles of Environmental Management


When you complete the course you will be able to:
  • Evaluate current knowledge of environmental principles
  • Describe the various environmental management systems and demonstrate knowledge of ISO 14001
  • Outline the various environmental legislation and enforcements
  • Demonstrate the techniques in environmental risk evaluation and describe the techniques in identifying the environmental aspects and impacts.
  • Identify the various types of pollution relating to air, noise, and waste management
  • Evaluate the various sources of energy uses and how to improve efficiency
  • Familiarize with the techniques of emergency planning and how to deal with various emergencies
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the topics described above and develop an action plan for environmental improvement in the facility


  • Introduction to environmental management- managing responsibilities
  • Environment Management Systems- ISO 14001 elements
  • Environmental risk evaluation- identification and control of environmental aspects and impact assessment
  • Environmental legislative framework and enforcement
  • Pollution, air, water, noise, waste management
  • Sources and uses of Energy and efficiency
  • Emergency Planning and dealing with emergencies
  • Assessment + test
To successfully complete this course, the responsible parties must demonstrate their ability to:
  • Recognize the definitions relating to requirements for chemical hygiene plans
  • Identify required components of a chemical hygiene plan
  • Identify requirements for training and information given to all employees
  • Identify employee exposure monitoring and medical examination requirements
  • Recognize requirements for hazard identification
  • At the conclusion of the course, participants will be assessed by the instructor to confirm that the educational goals have been met by each participant. Each successful participant who completes the course will earn the National Safety Council’s Certificate of Completion.

Assessment & Certification:

Assessment comprises a multiple choice exam followed by practical basement. Candidates will be awarded Principles of Environmental Management Certificate from National Safety Council which carries 2.6 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) towards advance certificate.

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2019 – 2020

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