NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety

The NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety is recognised globally by the industry as providing the necessary skills and knowledge to protect people who work in this hazardous sector. Holders of this accredited qualification are able to identify, evaluate and control a wide range of construction workplace hazards. The qualification encourages a pragmatic approach to managing risk.
Many employers in the international construction industry, as well as other related industries, such as utilities and media production, find that the International Construction Certificate holders can help to improve safety performance in their organisation by applying knowledge and understanding gained from their studies.

Course Objectives:

This qualification is designed for people throughout the world who work in construction, civil engineering, utilities, facilities, broadcasting, property management and more. It is particularly suitable for managers, supervisors and others who require the right level of skills and know-how to fulfil their health and safety responsibilities.
For some, the International Construction Certificate can be a crucial first step towards establishing a lifelong professional career within their chosen industry in the field of occupational health and safety. Many who take their International Construction Certificate progress on to one of our Diploma-level qualifications.
It is a very useful qualification for managers, supervisors and those who need to have a sound understanding of their health and safety responsibilities and who wish to implement sustainable health and safety improvements.

What does the course cover?

The International Construction Certificate includes identification and control of construction workplace hazards, and the practical application of this knowledge.
Crucially, the practical element of the course also ensures that participants can carry out, unaided, a safety inspection of a construction workplace and complete a report to management regarding the inspection with recommendations.

The key topics covered by the International Construction Certificate are as follows:
  • International standards for health and safety at work in construction
  • The importance of and key elements of health and safety management systems
  • Principles and practice of risk assessment
  • The identification of construction workplace hazards such as those associated with excavation, work at height, demolition and workplace transport safety
  • Methods for controlling identified workplace hazards within the construction industry

Assessment and Certification

In order to add value to their organisation. Assessment is a 2 – step process.
A question papers (IG1 and ICC1) – to assess what the learner knows and, A practical risk assessment (ICC2) – to assess what the learner can do
The aim of this assessment (ICC2) is for learners to practically apply the knowledge and understanding that they have gained from their studies. To do this, learners will need to complete a risk assessment of their own workplace. Before starting the assessment, learners must have completed their studies of the whole of the syllabus. The practical must normally be taken within 10 working days of the written examination. There is no time limit for actually carrying out the practical (although NEBOSH recommends 3 hours.) The practical is internally assessed by the accredited course provider and moderated by NEBOSH.


IG1and ICC1: A minimum of 45 marks, ICC2: A minimum of “Pass” (the unit is a simple “pass” or “refer”.)
Candidates are required to obtain a “Pass” in each unit in order to be awarded the qualification parchment from NEBOSH.

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