In attendance of H. E. General Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, Minister of Interior, Kingdom of Bahrain


Call for Papers

ASSP-MEC invites interested individuals to submit an abstract for review by the Technical Committee to present at our 2025 Professional Development Conference & Exhibition.

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Paper's Guidelines

Abstract Evaluation

Speaker abstracts are evaluated objectively based on the following criteria, listed in order of significance:

  • Alignment with conference/program objectives
  • Relevance and desirability of the topic
  • Speaker’s presentation skills and experience

Abstracts must include enough detail to enable our Conference Technical Committee to understand how the proposed session will support the conference objectives. As selection is competitive, please submit a compelling and complete proposal.

Submission Details

Each speaker may submit up to two abstracts. Please complete a separate application for each abstract. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Presentations are in person, 45 minutes, including 15 minutes for questions.

Describe your presentation and specify up to three expected learning outcomes for attendees using measurable action verbs. Tailor these outcomes to the audience. The maximum length is 500 words.

Describe why this topic is relevant to attendees and the profession. Maximum length is 150 words.

Describe (or list) your relevant speaking experience, at Conferences, other society presentations and/or industry presentations in other venues. Maximum length is 300 words.

Provide a brief description of your qualifications related to the presentation topic, with a maximum length of 500 words. At a minimum, please include:

  • Name
  • Education
  • Current position
  • Certifications and designations
  • Contact information (preferred phone number and email)
  • Noteworthy articles and publications from the past three years (up to five items)

Short Description of Your Session

Provide a brief description of the presentation for ASSP-MEC Orgnizing Committee to use in conference marketing (e.g., event website, emails). Maximum length is 60 words.

Tips for creating an effective session description:

  • Highlight how the presentation will help attendees solve a problem, overcome a challenge, or launch a new initiative, and how it will directly impact their work/life.
  • Create action-oriented learning objectives.
    – Set accurate expectations by clearly describing the session content and learning activities.
  • Use active tense. For example, instead of “Strategies to improve safety management will be examined,” write “Learn strategies to improve safety management.”
  • Avoid repeating the title in the description and phrases like “In this presentation” or “The presenters will.”

Proposal Acceptance

ASSP-MEC holds the sole authority and responsibility for selecting the topics and content of all educational programming it delivers.

We will notify you of acceptance via email by October 15, 2024.