Dr. Waddah Ghanem

Presentation Abstract:

For many years practitioners have debated the effectiveness of process safety management systems as opposed to integrated health and safety or otherwise even the occupational health, safety and environment systems. Clearly each type of system was developed to address a particular requirement or try to prevent a particular set of risks, or otherwise to enhance the risk management processes within an organization.
It is really for those reasons that Process Safety Management was developed initially as a standard to prevent the process safety catastrophes like the Bhopal, India incident which claimed so many lives and destroyed many others.
With developed PSM systems running for years, why are we still having major incidents in the process, oil and gas, petrochemical and manufacturing industries?
We believe that with every development of a process, plant, equipment or operation will come some certain risks. Some of these risks are significant and others less so, but regardless of the magnitude and the types of risks that can arise, almost all risks are manageable and thus almost all, other than natural calamities are controllable and thus incidents are preventable.
In essence, with experience the industry experts have continued to challenge the standards and elements and tried especially through experiential knowledge, especially after incidents to try to understand what seems to be still going wrong. Clearly, the safety culture maturity within organizations is a factor to consider. We have also with greater research from informed practitioners and human factors specialists now have a greater understanding of the importance of understanding the strategies of implementing PSM taking in to account the human element.
In this short webinar we shall try to explain the approach based more from practitioner and experiential knowledge. We steer away somewhat from the more foundational discussion on the purely technical aspects of PSM and attempt to address more practical aspects and the human factors that impact its effective implementation.
The keynote will engage in a discussion on the practical issues with the implementation and whilst it focuses on the foundational elements of PSM it will draw on the serious challenges in implementation and will illustrate briefly with various case studies as well why HSE practitioners, especially working with PSM systems must understand the Human Element.

Presenter Bio:

Highly respected industry specialist and authority with a passion for improving the quality, environment, health, safety and overall success of compliance, governance and leadership systems in the energy sector. A distinguished career as a Chief Compliance Officer, Functional and Executive Directorships, demonstrating in-depth knowledge of all facets of technical, operational and procedural systems with a proven success in managing projects, developing functions from first principles and building relationships that deliver significant, tangible results.

An effective lateral thinker with a passion for dealing with compliance and corporate governance issues especially in both organizational and public domains. Diversely qualified, in both technical and management fields and has held several senior positions for the last 14 years shaping the policies and principles for environmental, health, safety, and quality for the largest diversified Oil and Gas Company in Dubai operating in the UAE; Singapore; South Korea; KSA; Djibouti and Morocco. Is a passionate, academic industrialist with a great interest in bridging the gap between vocational, academic and experiential knowledge. Has a strong and passionate approach to systems building and is a developer of startup and new projects.

He has led a diversified portfolio of functions including business excellence, legal affairs, corporate communications, EHS assurance, security and enterprise risk management as well as sustainability.

Affiliated and has participated with various thought leadership activities with the GCC Board Directors Institute (BDI-GCC); Institute of Directors (IOD) India and is a member of the IoD in the United Kingdom. Hon. Chairman of the Board of the Energy Institute Middle East, Council (Board) Director, Energy Institute, UK; Vice Chairman of the Board Dubai Carbon Centre of Excellence (DCCE PJSC); Chairman, NRC Committee. Board Member of the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).


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