Dr. Jean-Claude Duart

EMEA Technical Leader

Presenter Profile:

Dr Jean-Claude Duart has been employed at DuPont de Nemours in Switzerland since 1995. Successively Application Engineer and then Global Business Development Manager within the segment that develops insulation systems based on Nomex® paper and pressboard for power transformers, motors and generators.

He currently works as Nomex® Expert for the Electrical Infrastructure segment, in charge of technical development in the area of power and distribution transformers.
More recently he has been involved in the new cellulose-aramid hybrid paper developed by DuPont, Nomex® 910 as well as new insulation components for large power transformers. He has also participated in the development of the first ever UL certified insulation system for liquid filled transformers.

Dr Duart received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toulouse in France while working as R&D Engineer for Jeumont Schneider Transformers from 1990 until 1994. He holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (1990) from the same university. Dr Duart has published several international papers in both electrical insulation field as well as electrical arc flash protection. He is currently part of IEC TC112 and TC10.

Dr. Jean-Claude Duart
EMEA Technical Leader