Ms. Judy Zakreski

SrVP, Global Operations & Solutions
International Code Council

Presenter Profile:

Judy is the Senior Vice President of Global Operations & Solutions for the International Code Council (ICC), a non-governmental organization that develops model building codes and standards through an open, consensus process.  These codes and standards serve as a model for adoption by local and national governments.  With a mission to improve building safety around the world, ICC also provides a fully-integrated set of support products and services that aid jurisdictions to effectively implement and enforce their building regulations, regardless of whether they are based on ICC’s model codes or not. This family of solutions helps to create the building safety regulatory ecosystem that is necessary to achieve safe and resilient buildings.

Judy is responsible for developing and executing ICC’s global strategy, including oversight of ICC’s two regional offices in Dubai and Australia. In this role, she collaborates with stakeholders around the world to improve their building safety ecosystems, in many cases through use of the ICC family of building safety solutions, including building codes and standards, conformity assessment and TIC services, training, credentialing, and consulting. In addition, she engages with the US Government and other associations on matters of services exports and trade policy related to standards and technical barriers to trade. She leads ICC’s involvement in relevant global dialogues including the Inter-Jurisdictional Regional Collaboration Committee (IRCC), International Building Quality Centre (IBQC), Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC), and the Global Resiliency Dialogue. She is a Certified Global Business Professional, and serves as the Executive Director of the IBQC and as the Vice Chair of the Virginia/DC District Export Council.

Prior to joining ICC in April 2018, Judy spent 25 years helping Western companies enter the China market, providing expert advice in areas related to export finance and healthcare products and services, first with Chindex International and Chindex Medical Limited, and then through the boutique consulting firm she operated, China Trade Strategies.

Judy has published and spoken on various topics related to globalization and market entry, including building safety initiatives and collaboration around the world, trade policy, and the Chinese healthcare market. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Studies and Chinese from American University and a Master’s in International Commerce and Policy from George Mason University.


Safety in Life Essential Sectors


Day 1
4th Panel
From: 02:40 PM
To: 03:40 PM
Ms. Judy Zakreski
SrVP, Global Operations & Solutions
International Code Council