Ms. Pam Walaski


Presenter Profile:

Pam Walaski, CSP, FASSP has been a dedicated occupational safety and health professional for nearly 30 years. She is currently a Senior Program Director with Specialty Technical Consultants, Inc. a specialized management consulting firm that works globally. Pam specializes in conducting safety and health management system assessments and integrating risk management programs as well as conducting third party audits.

Pam is a Professional Member of ASSP and is currently serving as the Society’s President-Elect. Previously, she was the society’s Senior Vice President, an “at large” member of the board, a member of the Society Finance Committee, Council on Professional Affairs, and Administrator of the Consultants Practice Specialty. She holds the Certified Safety Professional Designation from BCSP and was awarded the honor of Fellow from ASSP in June 2022.

Pam started her career in social work after earning both a bachelor’s and master’s degree. She then switched careers after earning a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA.

Pam is a regular contributor to ASSP’s Professional Safety and won first place in the 2021 Professional Paper Awards for her article “The Role of Leading and Lagging Indicators in OSH Performance Measurement.” She is the Coordinator for Occupational Safety & Health Management Systems Section for the third edition of The Safety Professionals Handbook scheduled for publication in late 2022. Her own book, Risk and Crisis Communications; Methods and Messages, was published by John Wiley & Sons in September 2011, and she was also an editor on the Consultants Business Development Guide, published by ASSP in April 2015.

Pam has been a general session presenter at the ASSP Professional Development Conference every year since 2005. She also regularly presents live sessions and Webinars at other ASSP-related events, State Safety Conferences (Alaska, Indiana, Ohio, and Oregon), OSH related organizations (Gensuite, Velocity EHS, BLR) and company safety meetings (Plastipak, MSA Safety, Dominion Contractor’s Safety Summit, FirstEnergy Safety Peer Group Meeting). Pam was part of the development team and is one of the instructors for the ASSP Risk Assessment Certificate program. She also provides one-day workshops on Risk Assessment, Creating and Sustaining a Risk Assessment Team, Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems Design and Implementation, and other similar topics.

Pam lives along the Allegheny River where she enjoys fly fishing, kayaking, biking, rail touring, and gardening. She has two grown children; a son who lives in Washington DC and a daughter who lives in Pittsburgh.

Ms. Pam Walaski